Meitei Thabalon

by Agobyte Technologies Pvt Ltd



This app has been created to popularize the Meitei lunar calendar. Being a Meitei calendar all the scripts are written in Meitei mayek along with English words. The English calendar are been accommodated as per the Meitei lunar calendar which is the reverse of most other calendar available in the market. The month and year are not been fragmented as did in most of the presently available calendar. The current year of the Meitei lunar calendar are been vividly given on the top i.e. Maliapham Palcha Kumsing-3422 which is very less known to most of the people. The twelve month of Maliapham Palcha Kumsing-3422 starting from Sajeebu to Lamta are completely given which is not given in most of the available calendar. Give you the best and simplest lunar calendar of Meitei. Save time and make available to everybody throughout the world. Can view the twelve month of the current year in one single calendar, simply and quickly to switch between days, weeks and months as per your convenient. Easy to view the holidays. Access easily from your phone, laptop and tablet at your finger tips. Simply a calendar that you can keep inside your pocket and carry everywhere. KANGLEI MEITRABAK NA YAIPHARE MEITEI POKPI EMA NA YAIPHARE